COLUMBUS, MS – Courtesy of the Dispatch and Grant McLaughlin
Realtor Royce Hudspeth has announced that the former Microtek Medical facilities at 602 Lehmberg Road has been sold to an out-of-state buyer: “[H]e is not ready to discuss any details as to what is intended with the building,” Hudspeth said. “… I will say they’re not an end-user (they won’t operate the facility). They would be willing to repurpose (it), perhaps.” “(Selling it) was just a matter of timing,” he went on to say. “I will say that the increased activity from some of the things that are happening in West Lowndes County with the aluminum plant and some of the other industries are very positive.”

GTD LINK COO Meryl Fisackerly spoke of the desire for big industry to secure in-town warehouses and other buildings as part of their growth: “We’ve seen companies and industries wanting to locate in the area, just given recent announcements and recent economic growth,” she said. “What we’re seeing is these are smaller companies that might do services for these other industries or they might be warehousing. It’s twofold when the bigger industry locates, and then we see these smaller ones wanting to locate close to them.”
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