STARKVILLE, MS – Courtesy of The Dispatch and Emma McRae

– Emma McRae, Dispatch Staff
The former Starkville Korean Church building on Lafayette Street will soon host a new home design store: The Collective Design House. Owner Abby Thompson described its genesis: “We really wanted to be a place where clientele and contractors could come in and pick out building materials, home furnishings (and) accessories to really just make that process of renovating or building much easier and less stressful.” The shop will feature a variety of items such as furniture, cabinets, decor, and more.
“One of the things that we’ve recognized in this market is there’s a lack of consistency for the full service,” Thompson went on to say. “Like you might have someone who does interior design or furnishings or you might have somebody who is a home builder … but not somebody that really brings them all together.”
“We did do a historic renovation working with Mississippi Archives and History and the National Parks Service,” Castle Properties owner Mark Castleberry said of the renovation project, which began in 2022. “We opened up the space as it would have been in the automotive days (and) opened up the big tall ceiling and beautiful beams.”
They hope to be open for business by early August.
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