NOXUBEE COUNTY, MS – Courtesy of Scott Boyd and the Macon Beacon

Charlotte, N.C.-based Huber Engineered Woods has been in discussions with the Noxubee County BoS and others with regards to a potential purchase of land just North of Shuqualak. The economic impact of one of their factories could be a significant one for the county and its worker base. There have been some developments over the last year and a half or so which seem to suggest that site prep has been seriously considered, such as a plan announced by the BoS to secure a $6.6 million loan to be used for purposes such as access road building, water, and sewerage. An announcement is anticipated soon, though no formal statement on the matter has been made by HEW.
The company produces oriented strand board (“OSB”), which is a strong wood product used for residential and commercial building floor supports. They primarily use pulpwood pine timber as a material for their products, which could open up a market for local timber sellers.
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