A Big Bad Bonanza of Restaurant News and More!

GTR REGION, MS – Courtesy of The Dispatch and Grant McLaughlin


Oxford’s famous eatery, Big Bad Breakfast, is coming to Starkville! Co-owner for the new location, Cameron Parker, says that an official announcement will be forthcoming, along with details on the time and place. The restaurant has grown to sixteen locations in the US thanks to its award-winning food and atmosphere.


The Ranch House in East Columbus is getting a makeover and a rebranding as the Road Side Ranch House! co-owner Tracy Wilson says that the area is in need of something a bit different to accompany all of the same old fast food joints: “I realized there’s nothing here besides the McDonald’s, Taco Bell and Wendy’s over here, and once they’re close, there’s nowhere to go but places on Highway 45 North,” Wilson said. “It got to the point where I thought it’s time to put something else back over here.” They plan to offer a mix of foods, including both Mediterranean and soul foods. they plan to open up by August 1st. 807 Alabama St; planned hours: Monday through Thursday from 5:30 a.m. to midnight, and Thursday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 2 a.m.

Also, a new T-Mobile Store is under construction at 1521 Hwy. 45 N., next to O’Reilly Auto Parts. The build is still early, so we do not have an official opening date just yet.


Local filmmaker Michael Williams has opened The Great Catsby Herb Cartel, an herbs & spices and tea bend shop: “I thought this was kind of a faraway dream,” Williams said. “But this year was our second year having a front yard garden, and I realized the abundance was going to be big enough that I could go ahead and launch it. (The Great Catsby Herb Cartel) was also kind of a way for me to find the name for the company and it will be something where Catsby’s legacy can live on.” The shop is named in honor of his beloved kitty-cat, Catsby. They will open their doors this Saturday at 221 E. Westbrook St. from 8 to 11 a.m. They offer items such as basic herbs: basil, oregano, lemon grass, and various blends for tea, plus other merch like t-shirts, which customers can order from their website.

Please click here for the original article: https://cdispatch.com/news/2023-07-06/goings-on-with-grant-big-bad-breakfast-coming-to-starkville/

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