Mr. Freeman and Mrs. America Tour North Mississippi

Actor Morgan Freeman (stock photo)

Mr. Freeman and Mrs. America Tour North Mississippi

The current reigning Mrs. America, Madeline Gwin, and legendary actor Morgan Freeman made appearances in Mississippi this last week. Freeman stopped in Tupelo to accept an honor from the Boy Scouts, and Mrs. America toured several schools in West Point. What does this have to do with business, you may ask? You see, it always good to get attention- especially positive attention.

Mississippi seems to have a certain knack for showing up on the national news for bad news. Failing education, comical political moves and national disasters are our specialties. But, to have an award-winning actor and a beauty queen swing by, it helps to show we aren’t just a wasteland of a society. Especially in the case of Freeman, most of the moves he makes are taken in a positive light.

Mrs America 2015, Madeline Gwin (courtesy photo)

Mrs America 2015, Madeline Gwin (stock photo)

And that light shines on our state.

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